Saturday, March 24, 2012

The Girl on Fire

WOW!!!! The Hunger Games wuz absolutely amazing!!!! I am really not joking it wuz so great! Now some stuff did get forgotten but in my oppinion it would've slowed the movie down far too much it wuz already 2 1/2 hours if they added every little thing we would have a like 3 1/2 hour movie to watch. But really Katniss and Peeta you call that kissing one teeny tiny little kiss I mean come on!!!!! Get on with it jeez stop holding back!!! :P LoL no but it wuz so great it amazed me and I can't wait for the next one it will be good too :)
It's a little washed out but it wuz an attempt


  1. Hey Caitlin!
    I see you beat Janaya at writing a movie review, I'm not surprised at that. I loved the movie, even though parts were missing it was still really good.
    I like your picture, I can't believe how much you look like Katniss, wow!!!
    Janaya told me that you look a lot like her. Have a great Sunday. God Bless

    1. Hey Tyler
      The movie wuz totally great and yea the parts missing we're kinda sad LoL but it wuz great anyways. LoL yea my friend came into the theatre and shes like "HOLY CRAP your like katniss's clone!!!" LoL that entertained me

  2. caitlin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    omg what a cool picture you look so awesome wow
    i loved the movie it wuz awesome. im going to write something later on my blog but right now i have to get ready for church tonight. its youth night and im on the worship team.

    1. JANAYA!!!!!!
      THe movie wuz so AMAZING I Loved Every Second :) Hope youth night goes well :P

  3. wow Caitlin that looks awesome! I love how you did your hair just like hers looks really good!!
    I know the movie is soooo good I love it sooo much!!!!
    Check my blog for my own review....maybe tomorrow if I have time I'll post one.
    Bye for now.

    1. Hey EJ
      Tnx LoL I've been doing that hair style for a while I finally perfected for the movie :P
      And yea the movie wuz totally great
      Ttyl have a good night

  4. And for everyone May the Odds Be EVER in you favour

  5. Hey Katniss!
    May the odds be ever in your favour :D
