Friday, April 13, 2012

Need a Little Update

Hey guys so what is up for you all this fine week end? For me I have planned homework and work at the McRats nest :P possibly some sunshine if it decides to stay. :) Hope it does I love the sunshine. Also I will be recording a cover song of Skyscraper cuz my guitar teacher asked me too. Also there is a possibility that my friend Erik will come over and hang out with me and my brother LoL . And I would like to bring up a subject that has been bothering me for a very long time...A blonde who takes the phrase "Dumb Blonde" to whole new level! This girl is in my math class some people on blogger probs know her but no one is allowed to say her name on here thank you. Anyways so she is actually quite school smart she gets mostly straight A's but she isn't street smart at all. Anyways people will say something and she'll consider it funny then go and I quote "Haha...wait..I don't get it?"  Now you need to picture her talking in a really bad dumb blonde voice Janaya knows the one I'm talking about. Anyways this girl is extremely annoying and most people enjoy calling her an idiot cuz when you act like that you kinda are. Also she wears these awful velvet pink pants and a pink sweater with a pink hair and a pink phone case now don't get me wrong pink is a great colour but when it goes over kill like that I hate it. Also she says "like" every other word or so and that is really annoying. So anyways today she wuz talking to her friend wuz saying " So like OMG theres this guy and he like uses really bad grammar like all the time. And like he anoys me like really bad. So I totally liked freaked out at him today and wuz like "dude I mean seriously use like effing proper grammar jeez!" And I'm like the biggest frigen grammar natzi it is like really bad how bad I  am." LoL yup I heard this word for word now I know I have super bad grammar when on blogger but yea what ever I really don't care at all. Anyways LoL and also this girl wuz reading my binder cuz I have one of those zwipes binders anyways I wrote "Hunger Games" on my binder and she says "Wait...I thought Hunger Games wuz a book." So I say "Yea it is I really like them their good books." So then she's says" Well I don't get it. I don't even know what it is." I mean seriously come on girl get a life its HUNGER GAMES most amazing books series written sheesh LoL so thats my blog for the day. Have a lovely sunny weekend


  1. haha caitlin i can hear your voice as you talk like this girl. im glad you get to share the fun of having one of 'those' girls in your school

    1. Hey Janaya
      Haha yea that wuz funny at the mall when we were talking like them :P

  2. Hey Caitlin
    Yeah I think there's a girl like that in almost every school. They're soooo annoying but funny at the same time. how could she not have heard of The Hunger Games??? :-)

    1. Hey EJ
      Yea I'm sure there is definetly one in all schools. They are super entertaining I find.
      And thats what I thought when she asked me.

  3. We have a few like this in our school and not all of them are blond and one is not a girl :)

    1. LoL Tyler why are you talking about yourself. :P

  4. No!!!!!!!!
    It's just there is this guy at my school who kind of acts like that. I find him a little strange but some of the girls love him. Go figure...
