Thursday, April 19, 2012

My Place

I wrote this story for English class and decided to post it on blog. Hope you like.
     She jumped out of bed and threw on her jean short overalls and favourite blue tweety bird shirt, and ran out the door. A she flew outside she paused in the bright sun, and stared at the large pines beckoning to her.
     Quickly she searched the street for followers, then took off running down the road. Nearing the edge of the treeline, she took light steps being careful not to disturb anything around her. When the trees enveloped her in their minty smell she became a part of the woods. The sound of rustling leaves and calling birds soothed her on the trek to "Her Place". The fresh smell of wild violets mixed with pines dangled in the light summer breeze. Casting a quick glance back she pursued on. Coming over the hill she look to her right at the long flat field, then turning to the left she walked down a path to the dense part of the woods. The wind picked up and the trees seemed to call out,
"Keep going! Carry on!"
     Suddenly hearing the gurgle of water she knew she was close. As she neared the shallow creek she slipped off her socks and shoes. Wading into the ankle deep stream, the cool water slipped over her feet and through her toes.
     Willow leaves danced in the wind and swooped down and played in her hair. She scanned the area for the indication of "Her Place". Searching the grove she saw it. "Her Place". The large thick willow with the wooden blocks nailed in the front. The tree house with the two rectangles cut away for a door and window.
     She ran to the tree and climbed up. Grabbing a beach blanket from the corner she settled down. Slipping an Oreo from the box the table and slowly sipping her half full coke she sighed contently to herself. Grabbing her Narnia book from the table she dreamily closed her eyes. Humming quietly the girl began to read and daydream of what a secret world like Narnia would be like. She thought to herself she was already there.


  1. Hey Caitlin!!
    That's a great short story, I'm so impressed by it. You should have that published.

    1. Haha awe tnx Tyler your very nice email my english teacher that and we'll see. And possibly email my english teacher from last year she didn't like any of my writing stuff

  2. thats really good you are going to be so famous

    1. LoL I will be a famous singer actress and writer
